Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Clean Hands Clean Heart

“Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit – keep it tidy, keep it clean, Our bodies are temple of the Holy Spirit”.
Today the team drove an hour to arrive at the village of Kahginima and visited a primary school named “Geritol”. We were welcomed warmly by the children and staff through the gift of song and dance. The children were divided into three groups according to age and were taught basic hygiene skills accordingly by Di, Cathy, Heidi, Connie, and Tonya. The gospel was also presented during these lessons. Following the lessons, each of the 350 children was given a backpack with a toothbrush, a bar of soap, and a pair of sandals. It was beautiful to see the gratitude through their warm and gracious attitudes. By the way, we gained even a greater appreciation for the porcelain throne and Charmin today.

We truly enjoyed the opportunity to see the beautiful Ugandan countryside on the drive back to Lulwanda. After a well-prepared lunch, we started the afternoon with a few songs of worship with the children. Then, the children were divided back into their groups and day 2 of VBS began. Today’s focus was “Worship Him”, and all three stations followed this theme. The Bible story was based on Matthew 4:18-22 where Peter walked on the water. In Smith, Heather, and Sarah Hurst’s station, the kids were taught some new worship songs as well as the game “4 Corners”. The craft today was called the “worship whirligig”. The older children constructed hanging mobiles while the “baby class” strung beads together to make worship bracelets. One of the biggest blessings God has given us on this trip is the unity that our team has; it was very apparent today as everyone worked together so well.

Following VBS, we were told that we had to entertain the children for an extra 45 minutes due to the fact that a staff meeting was being held inside the home. Props to Smith, Heather, and Sarah H. for once again coming up with exciting songs and other improvisations to pass the time. Thank you very much for your continued prayers. The team is on the mend and we look forward to the last few days of the trip and returning safely home.

Heidi, Di, and Nathan

1 comment:

  1. We're still praying here in Katy! This family wishes we were there with you guys! We are eagerly waiting the next entry to see and hear what how our God is moving! Love you guys...the crawley family
