Monday, June 1, 2009

Our Itinerary and Prayer Requests

Please pray as you are led but here are some prompts based on our daily activities.

Monday June 8 through Wednesday June 10

Depart Houston Monday 3:30pm, on KLM to Amsterdam (9.5 hrs), a 4 hour layover and then on to Entebbe (8 hrs). We overnight in an Entebbe hotel and travel on to Mbale by mini buses (4 hours). We arrive at our final destination Wednesday around 8am Houston time. Uganda is 8 hours ahead of Houston. Pray for safe travels, rest and that all our luggage and ministry supplies arrive.

Thursday June 11

Morning: Visit the Namatala village children at a local church and provide for some basic needs: prayer blankets, shoes, soap and toothbrush. Clean Hands, Clean heart presentation of the gospel. Pray that our visit to them will be received as love and compassion from the Lord.

Afternoon: First visit to our main focus group, the 90 orphans of Lulwanda Children’s Home (LCH). These children are b/n ages of 4 and 13yrs old. Pray for relationship building and help for jet lag.

Friday June 12

Morning: Visit the Namatala slum/village.  Sharing the Gospel hut to hut through translators. Pray for prepared hearts, good communication, courage, salvation!

Afternoon: Resurrection Celebration at LCH. Easter-egg hunt with 500 plastic filled eggs. Games/crafts. Fun! Pray for joy in the Lord and understanding of the most important message.

Saturday June 13

Host an All Day Sports/Field Day for 90 LCH kids and the 90 village children partnered with them in The Good Neighbor Program. Distribute prayer blankets and hygiene supplies. Pray for joy, safety, and delight in the Lord.

Sunday June 14

Morning: Worship African style at Bulolelo village church!!! Our group will sing a Chris Tomlin song with some Ugandan lyrics. Morgan and Philip will preach and teach adults while our group will conduct Sunday School around 150 kids. Pray we remember the words! Peace for Morgan and Philip as they share the Word.

Afternoon: Rest at hotel. Pray the team can clearly hear what God is saying to us and pray for restoration of weary bodies.

Monday June 15

Morning: Shop at local market to stock pantry of Gangama Babies Home, home to 50 babies who are under 4 yrs old. Visit the home and assemble a swing set and play with children. Distribute prayer blankets, toys and other gifts. Pray that we would be a blessing to the staff and interact well with the young children. Pray they are not afraid of our white skin!

Afternoon: Vacation Bible School at LCH- worship, crafts, Bible and games. Our message:  Because Jesus loves and chooses me, I can follow Him. Pray the messages would be understood clearly and the children would feel the love of Christ through us.   

Tuesday June 16

Morning: 5 ladies will conduct a Living Water International Basic Hygiene conference for 200 women in Namaje village. Gospel presentation. Pray for clarity of teaching through translators and comprehension of the life saving messages. Pray the presenters would be supernaturally empowered to teach.  The rest of the team will conduct a Sports/Field Day at a local elementary school for 300 children. Pray for safety, order and joy in the Lord.

Afternoon: VBS continued at LCH with the whole team. Our message: Because Jesus is the Son of God, I can worship Him. Pray for understanding and revelation and true worship.

Wednesday June 17

Morning: Visit a public elementary school and teach LWI’s Basic Hygiene lessons with a gospel component to 350 students. Gifts of soap, toothbrushes, flip flops and nylon backpacks. Pray for order, safety, understanding of the messages. Pray that we can split the group into three for easier teaching. Pray for comprehension and salvations and that the children understand the gifts are an expression of love and compassion from Jesus.

Afternoon: VBS at LCH. Our message: Because Jesus helps me, I can follow God's plan for me. Pray for changed hearts and deeper commitments to Christ.

Thursday June 18

Morning: Sight seeing in an area with baboons!! Pray for safety and freedom from fear for some!

Afternoon: Closing celebration at LCH, video recap of our time there (pray the power will be on) saying goodbyes to staff and children (pray for protected hearts,).

Friday June19

Depart early for Kampala, sight see the Source of the Nile on the way. Lunch and souvenir shopping at a local craft market in Kampala. Depart for the Entebbe airport. Fly out at 10:20pm. Pray for safe travel on the dangerous roads and protection while in the city. Pray for a smooth check- in and ability to rest on the flights.

Saturday June 20    Arrive Houston 1:30pm   Safe and sound. Praise God!!

1 comment:

  1. You all have been on my heart so much this week and in my prayers! I'm so glad to hear of all the things God is doing through you and I'm praying for God to be real to all of the people that you touch. I'm also praying for relief from the heat through clouds but not rain if that would mess up His plans. Give our new brothers, sisters and children in Christ our love! We love you! Love, Kim
