Friday, June 12, 2009

An Incredible Day

Today was our second day of ministry and God worked in miraculous ways! After breakfast and devotional time, we went to a slum of Mbale called Namatala to share the gospel and go hut to hut with interpreters for two hours. The Lord provided more interpreters than expected. We broke up into 7 teams of 3, which was a blessing since it allowed us to reach more people. God led us to people that were ready to receive His Good News and He spoke through each person on the team. He used us to reach many people who prayed to receive Christ for the first time! Let’s give the Lord the glory and thank Him for our new brothers and sisters! Ministry was not limited just to unbelievers but we also ministered to believers who were suffering, doubting, mourning, and dying. Through the mighty power of Jesus’ name and prayer, we eased people’s pain, hurts, fears, tears, doubts, and also helped a family recommit their lives to Christ.

Each team was given 3 gospel tracts as a tool for presenting the message. One team was inundated with people who could read English and asked for their own tracts. They were afraid they had run out of their material and people were still coming. A small miracle occurred…they kept finding tracts in their pockets as long as they continued to share the gospel. In the exact words of this team, “this was a type of loaves and fish story and there was even extra tracts which was the baskets left over!” How cool is our God!

After heartbreaking goodbyes at Namatala, we loaded into the vans and drove to Lulwanda. We were blessed to participate in their Friday fellowship time. We sang, danced, and listened to a message from a house mother, Sylvia, about spiritual growth. While the children were coloring and decorating a bag, some of us hid 500 Easter eggs filled with sweets, stickers, rings, and small toys. The kids had so much fun finding all of them and enjoyed their treats. For the rest of the afternoon we had unstructured play with the children which consisted of games, songs, and sports.

Tonight during our debrief, we had worship and encouraged each other. It was intense and emotional considering the hard things that we saw earlier today at Namatala. We broke into our small groups and prayed for protection of our hearts, the people we met today, and for you, our prayer partners.

Thank you so much prayer partners for your prayers! God is working mightily through you! We feel them and the Lord is so present with us here! They are being answered and are moving mountains in Uganda! Please keep lifting us up daily and interceding on behalf of the African people. The Lord is good and worthy of praise!

To Him be the glory,

Morgan and Heather


  1. Thank you, thank you for the pictures and updates is so inspiring! I love to hear of God's work through what you are doing there! He even handles "paper work" apparently!Can't wait for your next Blog!
    Praying in Katy,
    Kendra Samuels

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. These updates are fantastic. We are so proud of each of you for representing the love of Christ on behalf of so many of us back here in the the benefit of so many! Wow, what great work you're doing. God is transforming future generations of that nation--through you. We love you guys and are praying for an abundance of God's peace and strength. Blessings from Texas!
    The Hursts

  4. Thank you for sharing your testimony. You are doing Kingdom work and bringing glory to our Father in Heaven. We are praying for you including your Colorado connection, Mr. Tim. Praise be to God. We love you...the Muirs, Tim, and Moore

  5. How cool to be used by God and to witness a miracle!

  6. Thanks for the great pictures and updates. The smiles on the children's faces writes volumes. Keep up the good work.

    FYI...Great picture of Nathan.

  7. What an incredible witness you ALL are to these people...Jesus must be smiling!!! Thanks for all the beautiful pictures and updates. Special hugs to my dear friends, Heather Muir & Maureen Hiller. Praying for you all in Durango, Colorado, Debby Scarborough
