Monday, June 1, 2009

The Countdown Begins

In one week from today we will depart Houston to serve the Lord in Uganda, Africa! We are so happy to have you along with us! You are a vital part of our team and we are grateful for you. Your faithful prayers will have eternal impact on us and on those we are going to serve.  

Our team has been training together, planning and preparing since January and we are all so excited to be used of the Lord. Very united in love and purpose, we are eager to bring His love and compassion to the orphans and the poor in Uganda.   

Together we have crafted and embraced the following mission statement:

As Team Uganda 2009 we will pray continuously, love one another with a cheerful heart, give thanks at all times, watch God work miraculously through us while serving each other and the people of Uganda whom we consider better than ourselves.  

The primary focus of our mission is the group of 90 orphans at the Lulwanda Children's Home. You can read all about them at

We will also minister to the 50 babies of St. Kizito Babies Home, and about 500 children from very poor villages through our two game days, and visits to a public school. Physical life saving messages using the Living Water International curriculum will be taught at a Women's Hygiene conference for 200 women, and at a public school for 350 children. We will also be sharing the life saving gospel message at these locations as well as in a poor village called Namatala. Our team will teach and preach to adults and children as we worship with our African brothers and sisters in the local church on Sunday. 

Each morning and evening our team will be worshiping together at our hotel and sharing how we have seen God at work in us and thorough us. The testimonies to how our Lord has been working and changing us have already been many and we haven't even left yet. What an awesome God we serve!

We hope to be able to post to our blog daily but with frequent power outages and a dial up modem, this may not happen as often as we would like.  But we'll try!

Thank you again for your partnership in our mission and thank you for your prayers. 


  1. love you, excited to see all He does. love never, mel

  2. Cathy,
    May God go before you and make the pathways straight, prepare hearts and minds, and spread His joy to the people you will minister to.

    Love and Blessings,
